San Clemente
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Housing element update presentation. Presenters: city planner, consultant, and community development director. Presented to get feedback on draft before sending to state. Continuing to accept public comment. Propose for ADU design guidelines to be part of city code. Plan on rezoning and building ADU's and streamlining the process. Potential sites provided.
San Clemente Inclusionary Housing Commission attempted to revise housing policy to require at least 15% of the units in any new developments to be reserved for affordable housing (7.5% for very low income, and 7.5% for low income). The commission hoped to raise current in-lieu fees paid to be increased from $10 to $15 per square feet (with a minimum in- lieu fee of 10,000 dollars) Proposed revisions to the policy was listed at item 7A in the agenda.
Based on my understanding the coucil voted for a 2 % reduction with current fees. Most councilmembers were opposed to revising housing policy proposed by the inclusionary housing commission. Chris Duncan was the most receptive to the idea, verbalizing that such measures would benefit young people, and service workers. Gene James disregarded development incentives as "socialist" and Steve Knoblock suggested that ADUs would sufficiently address the housing problem in San Clemente without corroborating his claim. He believes other measures to incentivize developers would pose a threat to "free enterprise"
It was fairly easy to access the meeting online. However the public complained that it was impossible to understand the meeting in-person from outside the council chamber where it was also being televised.
voted 2% reduction with fees remaining in city's inclusionary policy
San Clemente Planning Commission meeting 4/7/2021 to discuss housing sites strategy and to discuss zoning changes.