Missing middle housing by allowing single-family conversions to duplexes
Missing middle housing by allowing single-family conversions to duplexes
No more than 1 parking spot minimum for studios and one bedrooms
Waive lot consolidation fees for projects at least 20% very low or extremely low income
Extending statewide just cause for eviction relocation payment requirements to tenants from day one of tenancy
HCD told them that they didn't do their re-zoning correctly, but only required small changes. They should get re-certified soon.
San Carlos has also adopted objective standards and worked on the permit process. So they have:
Which is pretty good for a town that wants to retain its charm and character.
County grand jury has recently found that ADU-heavy housing-element strategies are bad. TBD whether the grand jury finding will matter to HCD.
Three general policy changes were discussed:
Housing for special needs: Board discussed a number of options that would strengthen the element's language regarding supportive/accessible housing. One such revision they seemed in favor of regarding lowering minimum parking requirements for housing for disabled individuals. The board agreed that that policy "made sense."
The Board ultimately pushed final decisions on these measures to the next meeting. The Board also discussed how the supervisors intended to allocate their Measure K money, but I didn't stick around for that.
It was a general public study session where feedback was provided to support more affordable housing in our city in support of state laws
William Gibson - presented on (reduced) constraints, concerns from community re housing, HE goals, # of pipeline projects and ADUS. Commissioner comments. Inappropriate parcels should be identified directly to him.
Comments by Green Foothills, community members, including advocate for senior housing and advocates against sprawl. Commenters focused on the numbers being high and incorrect assumptions (e.g. ADUs = housing and all vacant SFH lots will be built out).
Commission voted to submit as-is to the Board of Supervisors (did not respond to any of the public comments).